

We have 2 Fundraising options at FaR Out to help offset athlete’s fees for the season. The two options are a cookie dough sale and the SCRIP program.

Cookie Dough Sale

We do a cookie sale twice a year where you are able to sell cookie dough. $8 of every box you sell goes toward your club fees. Every athlete at tryouts will receive a cookie dough sheet, extras can be acquired by emailing Cameron (). The date for turn in and pick up will be announced via email to all athletes placed on teams.


We also participate in SCRIP. It’s a program where you buy gift cards either electronic or physical and a percentage goes toward your club fees. Many of the brands that SCRIP carries are purchases most families make on a regular basis (groceries, gas, etc.) so this is a great way to get kick backs on money you are already spending. SCRIP requires an enrollment into the program and to do so email Roxane ().We also have the opportunity for scholarship if there is a dire financial need.